Just flagging this up – The Tour of Britain 2006 will take place from the 29th August to 3rd September this year. And as all you England cycle fans will be aware, last year’s race did not have an English team – even though Welsh, Scottish and Irish teams entered. There actually was a team of English riders, but they were cunningly camouflaged as a British team.
The British cycling bosses must be made to put an English team into the race. Time to get writing again, people!
Stop Press! Tired of the hum and drum of modern life? Then you too could have a career in Scottish cycling! How about this –
Scottish Cycling
Salary scale £30,000 - £38,000 per annum
Scottish Cycling, the national governing body for cycling in Scotland, wishes to make the following appointment to assist in the expansion and development of the sport.
Click here for the full job description
It doesn’t say in the ad’, but I’m sure that one of the qualifications for the job must be an ability to trot out at least 20 reasons why England cannot have it’s own team in the Tour of Britain race…
But, having said that, I am going to apply, ‘Director of Operations’ can’t be too hard can it……. Changing inner tubes, tightening brake wires and the like I suppose?
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