Don’t you just love him, our PM in waiting? The man born ‘to serve’ the people made his big speech today at the Labour Party Rally from Manchester. The ‘Operation Tartan Fog’ campaign is well under way.
Gravura Gordon unleashed his big idea at the weekend and he made reference to it again in his speech. Devolution is now a good thing, officially approved by the dour git as fit for purpose for an English population. Not devolution for the country of England obviously, just devolution of its services. If Gordon gets the big job, the English NHS is to be devolved to ‘professionals’ – no doubt followed by devolved education, devolved transport and devolved planning…..
It’ll be Gordon’s way of getting out of the tricky issue of mandate and being held to account. By taking ‘the politician’ out of these services he’ll claim he has done more 'devolving' than the services in Scotland & Wales in giving control to ‘the people of England’….
In short, he’ll claim that he has empowered English people to take control of their own services …….. Betcha!
Gordon, mate. We ain’t that stupid.
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