What can I say? The boy ‘Troy’ has done the business for American conglomerate Eaton Corporation Inc – and all in under 2 hours!
I came across their website yesterday – they do everything across the world and they do it ‘big’ – by any stretch of the imagination Eaton are a multi billion dollar organisation. So I thought that maybe, I could get a few bobs worth of business out of them.
I surfed through to the ‘Locations’ page and clicked onto the customary drop down button with ‘Select a Country’ written on it. The button expanded and revealed loads of ‘proud and historic nations’ from around the world.
Antilles, Poland, Costa Rica and India are all there. Hmmmm, so is Wales, Ireland and Scotland – so England must be there also, right? After much scanning, I found it, masquerading under the moniker of ‘United Kingdom’…
I banged off an email under the title ‘A grave error on your web site’ to Eaton HQ in Cleveland, Ohio –
Dear Sir or Madam,
I've noticed on the 'Locations' page on your Eaton web site that you have a 'Select a Country' button.
When this is pressed, a drop down menu appears with lots of Countries. 'Scotland' is mentioned, so is 'Wales' and 'Ireland' - but no 'England' .... Instead there is a 'United Kingdom' button.
As a proud Englishman, I feel fairly insulted at this exclusion. England is a country with a population of 85% that of the UK - 50 million souls, so it really shouldn't be ignored. It has also given an enormous amount to the culture and technology bank of the world.
I would be extremely grateful if you could amend this error as soon as possible - take out the United Kingdom reference and replace it with 'England'
Thanking you in anticipation,
H the W……
Well, not much hope of change there then. Eaton Corporation are bloody huge. They employ 56,000 employees worldwide – last year they achieved sales of nearly $10 billion and this is their corporate website we’re talking about, so what chance did I have to effect any change whatsoever?
I should have known better, I’ve obviously been depressed and brow-beaten too many times by the Government obsessed lackeys in this country. I was expecting - silence.
I was very, very wrong. Within 2 hours, I received this -
Subject: RE: A grave error on your web site.
Good Afternoon!
Thank you for taking the time to point out this error. I have forwarded your message to our web administrator for review.
Best Regards,
Ms. Danielle Williams
Eaton Corporation- World Headquarters
A mere 10 minutes later, this dropped into my in box.
Subject: eaton.com location changes in England
Dear Mr. The-Wake,
We are extremely sorry for this error on our locations page.
Amendments have been made to accommodate for Eaton locations in England.
Thank you for your inquiry, and I hope you continue to visit Eaton.com.
Troy D. Chafin
Digital Communications
Eaton Corporation
Hey presto, the site has been changed – just like that. Why? Because Troy D. Chafin isn’t worried that Prescott’s uber nazis will withdraw Government work from them. He’s just concerned about accuracy, so he changed it – and quick.
But not only that, he’s also ‘extremely sorry’ it was wrong in the first place. Hats off to Danielle, Troy and Eaton for a rare example of reason. British companies on Wonko’s anti English list, please take note.