Monday, October 02, 2006

The world of Google – excluding England, obviously…

Those zany boys at Google UK HQ have been running a bit of a Google Doodle competition – they’ve got kids to design Google logos galore. The reason? As the Chief Google Noodle explains "What does Britain mean to young people today? We asked students aged 4-18 at schools across the country to design a Google Doodle explaining what it means to be British".

So they’ve been trawling the artistic design talent of kids in Britain to get some good Google Doodles – and to make it fair those clever boffins at Google HQ have divided the country into geographical chunks…..

There are entries from Googles Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and……

Oh my God, ‘Google world’ has slipped into ‘Google regio-econo-euro inspired regions of England’. Apparently, there’s now a Google North West, South West, London, etc, etc…

I’m banging off a few snotty emails to the whacky government Poodles at Google, I suggest you do the same….

1 comment:

Rhys Wynne said...

The link doesn't work, but amazing how Google (UK?) are so 'on message'!