Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Telly news......

On the telly tonight is the second part of BBC2’s ‘How to start your own country’ - hosted by comedian Danny Wallace. It’s all about Danny declaring a sort of UDI in his very own flat. Tonight, Danny's getting the pomp and circumstance organised for his new country - and I’ve just seen a trailer for it.

Danny was explaining that if you’ve got a new country, which he has, even though it is very small, which it is (the size of his flat) his country still has to have it’s very own Nation anthem.

As Danny reasoned on the trailer, "Every country has it’s own National anthem doesn’t it – and mine’s not going to be an exception"….

Err, Dan me old mate. Not having a national anthem isn’t an exception – In England it’s the rule.


wonkotsane said...

Watched this last week with Mrs Sane and thought it was hilarious. Will definitely be tuning in for tonight's episode and taking notes. ;-)

wonkotsane said...