Peter Hain, looking determined as he fights for his political life.
Peter Hain is fighting to keep his political gonads, luxury lifestyle and complimentary tickets for the 'Club St Tropez' tanning salon. Apparently, the Golden Vision had forgotten to declare 103 grand of election funding to the powers that be. Typically arrogant - and with his usual Vainity, Hain has vowed to continue, citing 'pressure of work' and 'administrative errors' for the cock up.
Meanwhile, in Brown Towers, the Scottish granite bites his nails, swears a lot and curses Tony Blair for all his current ills. The great clunking fist is in a white knuckled fury as another one of his cabal of mundanity sticks the boot into his credibility. He frets, he swears, he hesitates.... and in the end, it will do for Brown, the man who cannot make a decision to save his political life....
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