Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Youngest nation in Europe gets anthem.....

(so what about one of the oldest getting one as well then?)

Kosovo, Europe's massaged bright new nation, hewn out of solid Serbian dogma by freedom loving Tony Blair and Georgy Bush, has been living the dream via her very own national anthem. It got its first airing at the weekend amongst watery eyes, fanfairyness and Serbian teeth-gnashings in the shiny new capital of Pristina.

Even the BBC was there – reporter Helen Fawkes enthused “For the authorities, it is a crucial part of nation building and is something which is designed to unite the people of Kosovo”...

Well, that’s nice, isn’t it? Apparently, according to the BBC, having your own national anthem is a crucial part of nation building....... I expect that’s why England doesn’t have one then?

Allowing England to have her own national anthem? Absolutely preposterous and dangerously seditious to even go there.... Why, we’ll be asking for our own national parliament next....


Guthrum said...

We do and it is Jerusalem

Eventually I am confident that as much as the establishment figures in the sporting bodies keep pushing the Hanoverian Dirge, Jerusalem will replace it.

Unknown said...

"And did those feet..."

All we have to do is to keep referring to Jerusalem as our anthem and after a while there'll be nobody to gainsay us.