Andy Burnham, the Secretary of State for ENGLISH health will be rolling out an initiative today concerning the care of elderly people. As per usual, Andy will try to give a UK Brit feel to the policy - even though it is 100% relative to England alone.
And while we are talking about 'as per usuals' - Gordon Brown, his pathological liar of a boss has got in early for a bit of glory grabbing. This is his piece on the Number 10 website about the proposed announcement. True to form, as with all Health initiatives, Liar Brown gives the impression that the policy will be UK wide
'I’m proud to say that in Britain we don’t just look out for ourselves, we also look after each other. It’s part of the soul of our nation, underpinned by our core values of fairness and responsibility.
And today we face a challenge no other generation has had to confront.
First, from a rapidly ageing population rightly demanding greater dignity, self-respect and support when they are frail and need care most.
And from those with disabilities rightly demanding care that enables them to learn, to work and to contribute to society.
Our current care and support system is no longer adequate for these challenges we see ahead. It cannot meet all our needs, nor match our aspirations. And if left unchanged, it would not cope with the extra demand in years to come.
Our answer is bold, ambitious reform to create a system firmly rooted in the proudest traditions of our national health service: personal care, there for you when you need it.
So today Andy Burnham, our health minister, is setting out the route to a national care service that will benefit every family in the country.
Alongside our decisions to re-link earnings with the state pension in 2012 this will mean a much better deal for our older people - for those to whom we owe so much.
Reform will come in three stages; each affordable, each fairer and each offering more protection to your homes and your savings.
We will start with a radical overhaul of care in the home - helping more of our old people cope longer at home and protecting those of you with the greatest needs from charges and fees for care in your own homes.
Then we will build up the care service, so that people who have been in care homes for more than two years will get their care for free, while also removing the postcode lottery of provision that exists today.
And then these reforms will pave the way towards the introduction of a comprehensive national care service available to all - whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever your circumstances.
Our plans will realise for the first time a vision of personalised care; providing not just physical support but also peace of mind.
These are tough decisions to take in times of economic restraint. But with a rapidly ageing society the costs of inaction are far greater than the costs of reform.
And this is an issue about the future of Britain and the future of our society from which we must not hide. In the national interest we will seek consensus on the right way forward.
So today sees a new chapter opening in the proud history of our public services – founded, as ever, on our enduring belief in fairness and responsibility.'